Help to prepare Derry for City Of Culture 2013

Millions of pounds will be invested in Derry as it prepares for its 2013 role as UK City of Culture. Upgrading works at Queen’s Quay, have just been completed which will “transform a key part of the riverside”. Works have been carried out to upgrade street...

New Website Launch

We are delighted to launch our new look website. The site includes more customer testimonials and case studies. This allows customers to see for themselves the many features and benefits of our products so that they can select the most suitable. Additionally,...

New Products coming soon

We will be launching some new products in the coming months for 2012, adding new litter bins, seats and bollards to our current product portfolio showing our commitment to quality and good design as society evolves we continue to design new products. We look forward...

Tramore Town Park

[wpcol_1half]Waterford County Council and Tramore Town Council propose developing a new people’s park for the town of Tramore, on lands between Lower Branch Road and The Promenade. The Councils views the park as more than a public space or series of public spaces, we...

Letterkenny Regeneration

The €1.1m project will regenerate the town’s historical shopping area which has been affected by the emergence of large retail facilities in recent years. The funding will also enable the introduction of quality-shared space along Upper Main Street including...

Dublin City Centre

[wpcol_1half] Hartecast won the Litter Bin Tender in 2006 for the supply of 1000 No. Litter Bins in Dublins City Centre on streets like Grafton Street, the main shopping street in Dublin City. [/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end] Dublin City Image Gallery (click to...

Monaghan Town Regeneration

The Monaghan Town Centre Regeneration Project which will see The Diamond, Dublin Street and Old Cross Square areas undergo a major environmental enhancement.  The works included all new street furniture which was provided by Hartecast, bins, seats, bollards and cycle...

Enniscorthy Town Enhancement

[wpcol_1half]The Rafter Street and Slaney Street Enhancement Projects has regenerated and rejuvenated the strategically-located shopping streets. Hartecast Litter Bins and Tree Guards were chosen by Enniscorthy Town Council[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end] Dublin City...
Downpatrick Public Realm

Downpatrick Public Realm

[wpcol_1half] Down District Council enhance Town Centre with Hartecast Public Realm products The beautiful town of Downpatrick received a major upgrade during its recent investment of £3.3 M which has created a high quality and modern urban landscape. Works in the...

Castlebar Regeneration

Castlebar Town Centre Regeneration Project was focused upon revitalising Castlebar through a programme of town centre regeneration and streetscape refurbishment along with the development of the river walk as an amenity corridor. A total of €1.1m has been provided by...